Piano Sale
Schaeffer’s Piano Company, Inc., has a public sale of instruments for MCPS schools and families. The sale dates are place March 8 - 16, 2025, at 105 North Stonestreet Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850.. During this time, the public can purchase pianos at considerably reduced prices. Our partnership with Schaeffer’s Piano Company, Inc., commits MCPS to provide the notice of this sale to each student. Please click here for more information.
Need a Chromebook for Home Use?
Redland MS is moving back to a classroom Chromebook cart model for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will not carry a Chromebook home each day. If you need a Chromebook for home use, click here to get a link for more information.
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future—Montgomery County Career Advising Program Information
Click here to access the link to the Montgomery County Career Advising Program which is part of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
Notice of Pesticide Applications
Click here for information regarding pesticide application around the school.
Required Student Vacccinations
The Annotated Code of Maryland ( states that all Maryland students who are new to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and those entering Grade 7, are required to provide documentation of required vaccinations or a medical or religious exemption. This documentation is required within the first 20 days of school. Click here to access link to letter.
Report Attendance @ 240-740-0905
In the event that a student is unable to attend school please report the absence to the main office.
Technology Support for Parents
Click on the link below for resources and guides for technology support including how to access ParentVue. In addition, view webinars to learn how to support your student(s) with Zoom, myMCPS, ParentVUE, and your MCPS Digital Backpack.